Your Next Step came into being as a cheeky graduation-themed piece, discussing the reality of next steps as banal, uncertain, ever-present things--not parts of life that only exist on the cusp of graduation. Humans have "next steps" until they die. Best-selling novelists and successful businessmen get asked about their next move; success doesn't mean you're done. And then there's the flip side; next steps you want to take, but can't. Steps you know you should take, but won't. Actively choosing to make denial your next step.
I collected the next steps from an online questionnaire and supplemented with my own writing. So often, that's how we find our next steps; from talking to other people, from hearing their stories. The business-card size is another next-step icon, connoting "Hey, here's my card, we have a next step coming up--together." The core of the piece is the contrast between next steps that look like mistakes (because next-steps and mistakes are closely aligned; they're just retrospectively identified) and the everyday next steps of the rest of your life (i.e. taking out the trash, getting groceries).
Installation. 2016.